Intralibrary Registration Module Installation Guide

Author: Intrallect Ltd

Company: Intrallect Ltd

intraLibrary Intralibrary Registration Module Installation Guide

Table of Contents
1. Prerequisites
1.1. IntraLibrary Installation
2. Installation
2.1. Enabling Registration Module
2.2. Configuring Properties
2.3. Email Template
3. Database Setup
3.1. Creating the Database
3.2. Populating the Database
4. Confirming Installation

1. Prerequisites

1.1. IntraLibrary Installation

1.1. IntraLibrary Installation

Prior to enabling the intraLibrary registration module it is essential that a fully functional instance of intraLibrary has been installed and configured successfully.

The registration module can be enabled at the same time as intraLibrary, but in terms of troubleshooting it would be sensible to install intraLibrary first and then investigate the registration module.

This document assumes some familiarity with installing and configuring intraLibrary.

2. Installation

2.1. Enabling Registration Module
2.2. Configuring Properties
2.3. Email Template

2.1. Enabling Registration Module

Enabling the registration module is very simple and requires the following steps:

2.2. Configuring Properties

There are a number of properties that need to be defined in the file.

The registration specific entries that need to be added/edited are:

The optional registration specific entries that may be added are:

2.3. Email Template

When a user is added to the repository using the registrationModule their password is automatically generated and sent to them via email. The body of this email is defined in an editable template. This template is called registrationNotificationEmail.txt and can be found in the emailTemplates folder within the intraLibrary installation bundle

If the template is not already in the emailTemplates folder within the intralibrary config directory then it should be copied there (and if desired, translated copies can be placed in the en and es folders).

The content of the template should be reviewed as the message body is unlikely to be suitable for your registration system. Note that within the template the following variablies are defined:

3. Database Setup

3.1. Creating the Database
3.2. Populating the Database

3.1. Creating the Database

We need to create a database for the registration module to use. We do this by executing the following sql statement from the MySQL command line:

create database registration;

you do not need to use the name registration but the following instructions will assume you have.

Next we need to create a user for the application to connect to the database as and give that user the correct permissions. Here we are using the username/password of reguser/regpass. This can be set to anything you like but must match the values that were used in the file.

grant all on registration.* to reguser identified by 'regpass';

grant all on registration.* to reguser@'%' identified by 'regpass'; On some database installations the wildcard ('%') does not work when connecting to the database from a machine which resolves as localhost. You can leave out this step if you are confident you can.

grant all on registration.* to reguser@'localhost' identified by 'regpass';

3.2. Populating the Database

We now need to create the database tables and populate these tables with the initial values that the registration module needs.

In the dbscripts folder, provided with your intralibrary installation, there is a registration folder and a single file within this that needs to be run: registration_database.sql

There are a number of ways that this can be done. The easiest and most reliable is to connect to the registration database via the command line client and issue the source command

e.g. source /home/intralibrary/dbscripts/registration/registration_database.sql;

4. Confirming Installation

Once all of the configuration steps have been completed and the intraLibrary web application has been restarted, the registration module will be available at the following url <application url>/registration e.g. http://localhost:8080/intralibrary/registration.

If the installation was a success then a registration form will be displayed.